gregg martini
straight up copy/content and other creative potencies

Astral Industries brochure—long form example & positioning
This was a project with my former agency, PUSH brandvertising & design (I was on strategy and ACD as well). The charge was simple: Astral wanted funeral home directors to move their products up to a higher tier in the caskets they offered. A major benefit was also a detractor: the caskets were economically priced, and so deemed not as “quality” as higher priced ones.
After a deep dive immersion with staff and touring the facility and town, we decided the story of how efficiently and innovatively the caskets were made needed to be told, as well as how a tiny town amidst the cornfields of Indiana relied on this company and how the company relied on the townspeople. And their heartwarming relationship with their very interesting founder and company president.
In doing so, we helped to change their positioning. Literally, helping take them up to a higher tier.
Click on the images for a closer look.